This Android application is an explanation of things that every Muslim must know by Shaykh Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Qarawi. In Pdf format.Original Title: al-Wajibat al-Mutahattimat al-Marifat ala Kulli Muslim wa MuslimatAuthor: Sheikh Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-QarawiTranslator: Dr. Andy Octavian Latief, M.ScThe glory of a science is determined by two things. The first is what is studied in that science. According to the words of the ulama, "The superiority of a science is determined by the superiority of what is studied." So, while the science of monotheism is the science that studies faith in Allah, about His Names and Attributes, and about how to unite Him in our worship, there really is no other science that exceeds the glory of this science of monotheism.The second is how much we need this knowledge. Because the knowledge of monotheism is the key to our happiness in this world and the hereafter, where all our other acts of worship will be damaged if our monotheism is damaged, then this knowledge is very noble and it would be a loss for us if we do not use our time to study it well.Therefore, here we present to readers a small book translation of the book al-Wajibat al-Mutahattimat al-Marifah ala Kulli Muslim wa Muslimah by Shaykh Abdullah al-Qarawiy, a book that combines concise discussions and the complete topic of discussion, which we made into a guidebook in the MASSE IB (Mahad Once a Week Indonesia Bertauhid) program in 2018.May Allah accept our practices and make the preaching of monotheism upright and vibrant on this archipelago that we love.Hopefully the material content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better improvement in everyday life.Please provide reviews and input for the development of this application, give a 5 star rating to encourage us in developing other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer:All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about your ownership status on that content.